Algorand基金會與Metamask Snaps框架整合

Algorand基金會宣佈與Metamask Snaps框架整合

Algorand基金會在其官方部落格宣佈與Metamask Snaps框架整合,程式碼開源給社群。通告表示此次整合標誌著基金會致力於透過可訪問性培育多樣化和動態生態系統邁出重要一步。

此前報道,Consensys宣佈向公眾推出MetaMask Snaps的首個版本,該產品旨在徹底改變使用者與MetaMask的互動方式,為使用者提供更強的操作和自定義功能。

Algorand基金會與Metamask Snaps框架整合


  • Algorand: a blockchain platform that aims to provide a secure, scalable, and decentralized infrastructure for the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and financial services.
  • Metamask: a popular browser extension wallet that allows users to interact with decentralized applications and manage their cryptocurrency holdings.
  • Snaps framework: a framework developed by Consensys that allows developers to create custom features and functionality for the MetaMask wallet.
  • Open source: a term that refers to software that is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute.
  • Ecosystem: a community of interconnected entities, such as developers, users, and applications, that interact and support each other within a specific technology or industry.
  • Consensys: a blockchain development studio and venture production studio that provides various tools, platforms, and services for blockchain development and adoption.
  • Decentralized: a system or network that is not controlled or owned by a central authority, but rather distributed among multiple participants.
  • dApps: short for decentralized applications, these are applications that run on a distributed network, such as a blockchain, and are not controlled by a central authority.
  • Blockchain: a distributed ledger technology that allows multiple parties to have a synchronized and transparent record of transactions or information.
  • Cryptocurrency: a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central bank or government.
  • Wallet: a software application or hardware device that allows users to securely store, manage, and transact with their cryptocurrencies.


根據這篇新聞和給定的摘要,Algorand基金會與Metamask Snaps框架整合。基金會將開源程式碼給社群使用,這代表基金會致力於培育多樣化和動態的生態系統。而Consensys在9月12日推出了MetaMask Snaps的首個版本,這個新功能旨在改變使用者與MetaMask的互動方式,提供更強的操作和自定義功能。從這篇新聞可以看出,Algorand基金會和Metamask Snaps框架整合的訊息對區塊鏈市場是偏多的,因為這種整合將有助於推動區塊鏈生態系統的發展和增長。




@f9101605: 非常詳細 我雖然已用幾個月 還有些不懂 看完就清楚很多了 一直用幣安鏈的交易 卻無法成功 後來才知道幣安幣不足 需要手續費!!!!

@biubiulove: 旁白老師 是我看過講解入門影片 講的最好的 最容易理解的 小白建議反覆觀看

@shermainebx3187: 老師講的是我聽過最details的,真的是小白也能學會!請問老師,有沒有哪期影片講解怎樣不同交易所中的USDT互轉然後把USDT折現呢?

@spicy_coco4059: 謝謝你的講解,有學到東西

@the-mf6wb: 老師講的真的很仔細 已經訂閱~請問如果我想把Coinbase上的eth打到metamask上 該怎麼操作呀~模仿從幣安轉幣的方法可以嗎?

@joyceyu4598: 太實用了,謝謝旁白君,我要做你的學員

@chrisharris9038: 旁白君就是區塊鏈裡的好入門老師

Algorand基金會與Metamask Snaps框架整合

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