Mocha Ventures籌集3000萬歐元投資DeFi,Dunhill家族投資300萬美元

報道稱登喜路家族辦公室正在透過其Dunhill Ventures子公司向風險投資公司Mocha Ventures進行投資。Dunhill Ventures和Dunhill Financial子公司將首先投資300萬美元。這筆資金將進入列支敦斯登監管的VC Mocha Ventures,該公司正在尋求籌集一隻3000萬歐元(3200萬美元)的基金,並計劃投資DeFi和採用加密貨幣作為新興市場支付方式等領域。

Mocha Ventures籌集3000萬歐元投資DeFi,Dunhill家族投資300萬美元


Crypto Terminology

Crypto Terminology

  • DeFi: Short for Decentralized Finance, a term used to describe the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to recreate traditional financial systems.
  • VC: Short for Venture Capital, which refers to the financing provided by investors to start-ups or emerging companies in exchange for equity or ownership stakes.
  • Blockchain: A distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers, providing transparency, security, and immutability.
  • Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Examples include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple.
  • Decentralized: A system or network that operates without a central authority or governing body, providing individuals with more control and reducing the risk of censorship or manipulation.
  • Token: A unit of value that represents a digital asset or utility within a blockchain system. Tokens can be used for various purposes, such as accessing services or participating in decentralized applications (dApps).


Mocha Ventures和Dunhill家族辦公室即將投資3000萬歐元在DeFi市場,Dunhill Ventures和Dunhill Financial子公司則計劃首次投資300萬美元。這筆資金將流入依列支敦斯登監管的風險投資公司Mocha Ventures。Mocha Ventures將主要專注於投資DeFi和推動加密貨幣在新興市場作為支付方式的應用。根據這些資訊,我們可以看出這項新聞對於區塊鏈市場是偏多的。


Blockchain Technology in 15 Minutes: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency and so on


@alligator0122: 區塊鏈的核心思想是去中心化 也意味著只要這實行普及化

@fish2009ish: 邏輯思維文字駕馭跟幽默通俗都超凡...太棒的youtuber了...臺灣之光.

@snowst11: 看過講得最詳細,深入淺出、提綱挈領,超棒的講解!!!

@KenKen-sv2dc: 邏輯清晰 淺顯易懂

@silv6633: 想問一下

@taiwan99bed: 期待頻道主可以用淺寫易懂的方式講解!

@sharonli3024: 感謝整理~期待更多知識

Mocha Ventures籌集3000萬歐元投資DeFi,Dunhill家族投資300萬美元

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