根據The Block的資料,以太坊在2023年8月12日創下單日銷燬量的新低,僅為570.54 ETH。這一數字接近2022年10月2日的歷史低點498.16 ETH。
Cryptocurrency Terminology
- Ethereum (ETH): A decentralized blockchain platform that enables the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).
- Sell Volume: The total amount of a particular cryptocurrency sold or exchanged within a given period.
- Low: The lowest point or value reached by a cryptocurrency within a specific period.
- Since: Indicates the starting point or reference period for a specific event or data.
- The Block: A cryptocurrency news and analysis platform that provides up-to-date information on various aspects of the crypto industry.
- 2023: Refers to the year 2023, which is the period mentioned in the news article.
- October 2, 2022: A specific date mentioned in the article, highlighting a previous low point in Ethereum's daily destruction volume.
- Destruction Volume: The amount of cryptocurrency that is permanently removed from circulation or rendered unusable.
- New Low Point: The lowest value or level reached by a specific metric or indicator, in this case, Ethereum's daily destruction volume.
根據The Block的資料顯示,8月12日以太坊的單日銷燬量達到了570.54枚ETH,這是自2023年以來的新低點。這顯示了投資者對於以太坊的短期前景持有悲觀的看法。這也可能預示著區塊鏈市場對於以太坊的需求正在減少。因此,目前的訊息對於區塊鏈市場是偏空的。
@huankchan9937: Bonnie 想問一下如果現貨跟合約,有哪個平臺是你推薦的?
@jojovava4052: 謝謝邦妮的分析與資料收集
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@tobylu6084: 1.4 放了總體資產的3%
@puppyzen1: 1,3,4都有,現貨和量化佔80%
@hopefulofjyful: 期待邦妮談一談資產代幣化~~~敲碗敲碗~~~^_^
@wangwei1670: 好喜歡你的內容
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