日本金融巨頭SBI VC Trade支援DAI槓桿交易

8月2日訊息,日本金融巨頭SBI旗下交易平臺SBI VC Trade槓桿交易服務新增支援DAI,此前SBI VC Trade一直提供DAI現貨交易服務。

日本金融巨頭SBI VC Trade支援DAI槓桿交易


  • SBI - 是日本的一家金融巨頭公司,提供多種金融服務。
  • 交易平臺 - 一個用於進行金融資產交易的線上平臺。
  • SBI VC Trade - SBI 持有的加密貨幣交易平臺,允許使用者交易各種加密貨幣。
  • 槓桿交易 - 一種交易策略,投資者可以透過借入資金來放大其投資回報。
  • DAI - 一種加密貨幣,是穩定幣中的一種,具有與美元相同的價值,目的是提供加密世界中的穩定價值。
  • 現貨交易 - 一種簡單的買賣交易,透過購買或出售實物資產來進行交易。


SBI VC Trade作為日本金融巨頭SBI旗下的交易平臺,宣佈其槓桿交易現已支援DAI,這是對區塊鏈市場的積極訊息。SBI VC Trade之前已提供DAI的現貨交易服務,而現在增加了槓桿交易功能,這可望吸引更多投資者進入市場,並為DAI的交易提供更多的流動性和便利性。





@GeronimoZito: Hey bud, I just wanted you to know that everything you do is necessary and thank you so much for what you do. It's more than just a recovery service, you're helping people. You're actually the push for me to get my degree in Information Technology so that I can protect people from heartless people like this. Thank you for all you do

@GeronimoZito: Hey bud, I just wanted you to know that everything you do is necessary and thank you so much for what you do. It's more than just a recovery service, you're helping people. You're actually the push for me to get my degree in Information Technology so that I can protect people from heartless people like this. Thank you for all you do

@victoriaelliottoiy: As an Italian, I'm really ashamed of these unemployed scammers who scam people out of their hard earned money. When they are targeted, see how easy it is for them to ignite the victim and start the abuse. I want all your pages to reach as many people as possible and teach them not to take calls from unknown scam numbers in the first place so they are safe from being scammed. You have done a great service to everyone in Italy and wiped out these scumbags. Keep doing amazing work

@user-xx6yb2tu6g: 你好呀,我是香港人。你的片段非常之有用,雖然我已經上當了。但是真的非常鼓勵你繼續拍攝這些影片。希望可以拯救到更多的人或者令人清醒。

@chenwilliam5176: 不管是在真實世界或虛擬世界,在任何情況下投資,如果你錢出去 ,就任憑對方宰割

@lannclare5271: 每一個tip都講得很清楚 謝謝喔!

@Derivcyber-On-IG-Platform: 特別感謝您,先生

日本金融巨頭SBI VC Trade支援DAI槓桿交易

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