Coinbase主管:指控Richard Heart向Tornado Cash轉移2690萬美元

Coinbase主管表示,Conor,Richard Heart受到指控,指他的錢包在先前向Tornado Cash轉移了2690萬美元。根據報導,他目前持有3500萬枚DAI。


根據報導,Coinbase主管發推稱Richard Heart被指控將2690萬美元轉移到Tornado Cash錢包,並持有3500萬枚DAI。


1. Coinbase:Coinbase是一家全球知名的加密貨幣交易平臺,允許使用者購買、出售和儲存加密貨幣。
2. Richard Heart:Richard Heart是一名加密貨幣專家和網路企業家,他在加密貨幣領域有著廣泛的影響力。
3. 指控:指控是指對Richard Heart進行的指責或指證,暗示他可能已經從Coinbase轉移了2690萬美元並持有3500萬枚DAI加密貨幣。
4. Tornado Cash:Tornado Cash是一個用於保護使用者隱私的去中心化混幣協議,該協議允許使用者將加密貨幣重新混合以增強其隱私性。
5. DAI:DAI是一種穩定幣,它的價值與美元等值。DAI的價值穩定透過智慧合約技術和抵押物保護機制實現。



根據報導,Coinbase主管發推稱Richard Heart被指控將2690萬美元轉移到Tornado Cash錢包,並持有3500萬枚DAI。根據這一事件,可以看出區塊鏈市場可能存在風險和不穩定因素。此訊息暗示市場參與者之間可能存在信任問題,且可能有人在進行不透明的交易活動。這對區塊鏈市場來說是偏空的訊息,暗示市場有可能面臨進一步的調整或波動。


Why is HEX outperforming nearly all other assets? Speculative stickiness and secret sauce.


@todoroki: Love this guy. Cuts straight through the hype, FUD, dis-info and BS and gives it to you straight, no chaser.

@hexturbo: So much knowledge here Richard. So far ahead of the game. Everything you say makes perfect sense.

@daveythehand4964: Love listening to Richard Heart speak. He understands most people don't want to hear truth, they would rather be lied to... the best part about Richard is that he speaks to the some people that want to hear the truth and not the lies.

@MN-lx2ry: Very good presentation. Glad HEX is starting to get publicity again. So happy the project is close to launch.

@atlascrypto2507: You put a lot of Heart into your presentation Richard, great job me dude!

@metalmilo12: Nice work Richard. Extremely well spoken as always.

@soorgolf1234: Thank you Richard! Telling it like it is. I’m with you on Hex.

Coinbase主管:指控Richard Heart向Tornado Cash轉移2690萬美元

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