Curve Finance遭受攻擊,損失約7000萬美元

Curve Finance攻擊事件可能造成約7000萬美元損失,tayvano在社交媒體上表示,受Curve Finance穩定幣池alETH/msETH/pETH駭客攻擊事件影響,Alchemix、JPEGd、MetronomeDAO、deBridge和Ellipsis目前已累計損失約為7000萬美元。

  • Alchemix(非白帽行動)損失2000萬美元,1300萬美元ETH+700萬美元ERC-20。
  • CRV/ETH交換池損失1800萬美元。
  • JPEGd損失1200萬美元。
  • Alchemix(白帽行動)損失1200萬美元。
  • Metronome損失700萬美元,160萬美元+CRV池530萬美元。
  • Ellipsis損失7萬美元。


加密貨幣專業術語 解釋
Curve Finance Curve Finance是一個去中心化的金融協議,提供了穩定幣之間的低滑點交易。
攻擊事件 指發生在加密貨幣專案中的意圖破壞或盜取數位資產的行為。
專案 指在加密貨幣領域中的特定應用、協議或平臺。
損失 指失去資金或數位資產的價值。
Alchemix Alchemix是一個去中心化的借貸平臺,讓使用者在不支付利息的情況下借取穩定幣。
JPEGd JPEGd是一個藝術品和數位貨幣協議,透過收集JPEG影象來鑄造加密貨幣。
MetronomeDAO MetronomeDAO是一個去中心化自治組織,旨在發展和管理Metronome加密貨幣。
deBridge deBridge是一個跨鏈數字資產交換平臺,使用者可以將不同區塊鏈上的資產進行兌換。
Ellipsis Ellipsis是一個去中心化的交易協議,使用者可以在其中進行穩定幣交易和流動性挖礦。
白帽行動 指攻擊者以善意出發、發現漏洞或問題,並將其報告給專案團隊,以期獲得獎勵或獎金的行為。
CRV/ETH交換池 指Curve Finance協議中CRV和ETH之間的流動性池,使用者可以在其中進行CRV和ETH之間的交易。


根據這則新聞報導,多個專案在Curve Finance攻擊事件中遭受損失,總金額約7000萬美元。這些專案包括Alchemix、JPEGd、MetronomeDAO、deBridge和Ellipsis等。其中Alchemix損失2000萬美元,白帽行動損失1200萬美元,CRV/ETH交換池損失1800萬美元,JPEGd損失1200萬美元,Metronome損失700萬美元,Ellipsis損失7萬美元。根據此資料,我們可以認為這則新聞對於區塊鏈市場的訊息是偏空的。



The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance


@ojatro: What an exceptional production... considering the fact that it was produced on a shoe string budget. What a slap in the face of the propaganda spewing BBC and its offensive fluff entertainment. Keep up the great work!

@andriisyromolot6983: One of the greatest videos I have seen on YouTube. It is worth way more than 4000£ and is uploaded here for free, which is utterly amazing. The film provides more knowledge on why the underdeveloped countries are still underdeveloped than the ministers of those countries themselves. Tremendous respect for the author and good luck in the future projects. Thank you for your work and devotion to bringing information to the light.

@tchai91: I was brought up and spent most of my life in/on Jersey, and it's eye-opening to see how many people who work in finance there know exactly that their jobs are allowing billionaires of questionable character to avoid paying tax, but when your salary and bonuses allow you to buy multiple houses (the prices of which are now at Central London levels) and flounce about in an £80,000 Range Rover Sport, suddenly their moral compasses disappear. And believe me, some of the most stupid people I have ever met have made a fortune working in Trust companies there. It's not difficult - you just have to be willing to abandon your conscience.

@nonamenofamily405: It was like taking the red pill. It was like a punch on my face and a kick in my stomach. For me this is way worse than "Panama Papers" because it shows that the permanent structure of the financial and banking systems is indistinguishable from looting as many countries as possible and imposing slavery. Over the centuries it changes its words, its particular mechanisms, its laws and regulations but in its essence it remains just the same and gains an increasing power.

@andrewtorrance1385: Since I watched this wonderful documentary, my mind is at rest. At the age of 77 and always having an interest in politics and finance I was always burned up with the inequality of normal citizens lives but I didn't understand how or why this situation had come about. Now I understand, and I realise that there is absolutely nothing I can do to change things. So my mind is at rest - you only worry about those things you can influence and change.

@edgarroberts8740: Stuart Syvret's story is absolutely chilling. It's telling of how deeply propagandistic our intellectual class is that, were Syvret from China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, or some other such enemy state, he'd be on the front page of every newspaper, yet no one in the UK knows his name.

@Zandalorscat: As a non-Brit, I find it astounding how little information I've seen in the media about the City of London and how it operates. Most people in my country aren't even aware that there is a difference between London and the City of London.

Curve Finance遭受攻擊,損失約7000萬美元

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