MKR價格在過去24小時內增長了16%。 MakerDAO創始人在20小時和13小時前以1,044美元購買了MKR。 a16z在14小時前以1,035美元價格將1500枚MKR存入了Coinbase。 CMS在1小時前以1,186美元價格將525枚MKR存入了Binance。 MarkerDAO創始人RuneKek在過去一週兌換了161萬枚DAI,總計1,613枚MKR,平均價格為998.2美元。 值得注意的是,他在20小時前從Uniswap的流動性池中刪除了300.7枚MKR和305800枚DAI。
根據上次轉賬,a16z在過去4天內每天以平均970.35美元的價格將1500枚MKR存入了Coinbase,總計6,003枚MKR,約合583萬美元。 a16z還將6900枚MKR(808萬美元)轉移到了新錢包0x127。
從6月26日到14小時前,HoldingCms從Binance和Biget共購買了1,325枚MKR,平均價格為799.5美元(總計106萬美元)。 剛才以1,186美元的價格,CMS將525枚MKR存入了Binance。 如果真正賣出,將實現約20.3萬美元的利潤(投資回報率:48.3%)。
🚨🚨 $MKR ↗️ 16% over the past 24hrs. Here are some on-chain highlights for $MKR:
- MakerDAO founder resumed buying $MKR at $1,044 ~20 & 13hrs ago.
- a16z deposited 1.5K $MKR to #Coinbase at $1,035 14hrs ago.
- CMS deposited 525 $MKR to #Binance at $1,186 1hr ago.
Details 👇
— Spot On Chain (@spotonchain) July 21, 2023
Cryptocurrency Terminology
- MKR: MKR is the native cryptocurrency of the MakerDAO platform, which is a decentralized autonomous organization responsible for governing the stability of the Dai stablecoin.
- a16z: a16z refers to Andreessen Horowitz, a prominent venture capital firm in the cryptocurrency industry.
- Coinbase: Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange platform.
- Binance: Binance is another well-known cryptocurrency exchange platform.
- Uniswap: Uniswap is a decentralized exchange protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain.
- DAI: DAI is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, maintained by the MakerDAO ecosystem.
- Wallet: A wallet is a software or hardware tool used to securely store and manage cryptocurrency.
- BEP-20: BEP-20 is a token standard on the Binance Smart Chain, which is similar to the ERC-20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain.
- Investment Return: Investment return refers to the profit or loss generated from an investment, typically expressed as a percentage of the initial investment amount.
1. MakerDAO創始人在過去一週以平均998.2美元的價格兌換了1,613枚MKR,顯示他對MKR的看法較為看好。
2. a16z在過去4天內每天以平均970.35美元的價格向Coinbase存入1500枚MKR,總計存款金額為583萬美元。這顯示a16z對MKR的仍然有信心。
3. CMS則以1,186美元的價格將525枚MKR存入Binance,如果真正賣出,將實現約20.3萬美元的利潤(投資回報率:48.3%)。這表明CMS在短期內預期MKR的價格可能會上漲。
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