
【1inch宣佈推出開發者門戶的測試版】訊息稱,1inch Labs釋出了開發者門戶的測試版,該平臺是Web3雲SaaS(軟體即服務)平臺,提供用於構建新產品的尖端API。主要目標是為開發者提供快速、高效的軟體解決方案來建立新的Web3產品。在接下來的幾個月中,開發者將能夠測試可用軟體解決方案的各種功能。

詳細內容,請訪問1inch Labs官方網站。



Cryptocurrency Glossary

Cryptocurrency Glossary

Term Explanation
1inch Labs 1inch Labs is a blockchain-focused research and development organization that aims to build innovative decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions.
Web3 Web3, also known as the decentralized web, refers to the next generation of the internet built on blockchain and decentralized technologies. It aims to give users more control, privacy, and ownership over their data and online activities.
API An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the context of 1inch Labs' developer portal, APIs are used to access and interact with their software solutions.
SaaS SaaS stands for Software as a Service. It refers to a software delivery model in which applications are centrally hosted by a provider and accessed by users over the internet. 1inch Labs' developer portal is a SaaS platform.
Web3 cloud The Web3 cloud refers to the infrastructure and services that support the development and deployment of Web3 applications. It provides developers with the tools and resources to build and scale decentralized applications.
Software solutions Software solutions refer to the applications, tools, and services that address specific problems or needs. In the context of 1inch Labs' developer portal, these solutions are designed to help developers build new Web3 products.
Blockchain A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. It provides transparency, immutability, and security, making it a key technology behind cryptocurrencies.
Decentralized finance (DeFi) Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, refers to the use of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies to recreate traditional financial systems and services without the need for intermediaries such as banks. It aims to provide more inclusive and accessible financial solutions.


1inch Labs於7月19日發布了開發人員門戶的測試版。開發人員門戶是一個Web3雲SaaS平臺,提供先進的API,用於開發新產品。該平臺的主要目標是為開發人員提供快速、高效的軟體解決方案,以構建新的Web3產品。未來幾個月,開發人員將能夠測試這些軟體解決方案的各種功能。

根據這篇新聞來看,1inch Labs發布了開發人員門戶的測試版,並提供了Web3雲SaaS平臺,可以為開發人員提供快速、高效的軟體解決方案,以構建新的Web3產品。這項訊息顯示出區塊鏈市場對於開發新產品和解決方案的需求持平。開發人員可以在未來幾個月內測試這些軟體解決方案的各種功能,進一步促使區塊鏈市場的發展。因此,這篇新聞對於區塊鏈市場是持平的訊息。


【收益率超透明】這就是區塊鏈「去中心化金融」實際用起來的樣子!十分鐘學會「無交易所風險」 DeFi 放貸、交易方法|實測借貸平臺 Aave、去中心化交易所 1inch


@alberthsu1009: 這個分享真的超級棒,讓大家回到區塊鏈的美好地帶『DeFi』,太多東西都是從 DeFi 延伸出去的,CeFi 終究是一個比較能被國家、政府接受的(監管),但 DeFi 才是區塊鏈當中的精髓~ 永遠愛腦哥

@user-yg4tq2ju1z: 謝謝腦哥詳細的介紹~defi確實是一個與眾不同的金融系統,值得研究研究~

@AllenChen-ws7dq: 要在加密貨幣世界生存真的覺得不容易啊,資產放交易所可能會跑路、玩DeFi可能會遇到駭客攻擊或是惡意智慧合約、電腦如果有惡意軟體可能你在複製地址時又會給你偷偷更改到駭客的地址、電報群或是賴群也是滿滿的詐騙,最近看到一個影片是有人用Ledger Live建立地址但是Ledger live顯示的地址跟硬體Ledger顯示地址居然不同..現在使用冷錢包也是要很小心,地址前中後都要看一下有沒有正確

@023195598514: 那Defi的風險比方說AAVE上借貸的風險,除了AAVE被駭客攻擊外,會有AAVE平臺消失的風險嗎? 還是說除非乙太坊區塊鏈消失了AAVE才會消失?

@ShowRisk: 我只想要在使用Steaker 幫我們把 錢錢 放在DeFi 專案上面 例如:FTX

@xit9148: 小狐狸的swap的費用好像1%,很貴呀!

@leeddon2887: 加油 看的出用了很多時間和心機 蒐集資料和整理


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