駭客釋放釣魚連結在ElseVerse World專案的Discord伺服器

根據CertiK官方推特的訊息,ElseVerse World專案Discord伺服器中有駭客釋出了一個釣魚連結。請大家注意,切勿點選該連結並避免授權任何交易。請保持警惕,以防止個人財務損失。
駭客釋放釣魚連結在ElseVerse World專案的Discord伺服器


Encryptocurrency Terminology

Encryptocurrency Terminology

  • 駭客 (Hacker): A person who uses their technical skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks.
  • ElseVerse World專案 (ElseVerse World Project): A specific project or initiative related to the ElseVerse World.
  • Discord伺服器 (Discord Server): A communication platform where users can create communities and interact with each other through text, voice, and video channels.
  • 釣魚連結 (Phishing Link): A malicious link designed to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details.
  • CertiK: A company specializing in blockchain cybersecurity and smart contract auditing services.
  • 官方 (Official): Referring to someone or something associated with an authoritative or legitimate source, usually a company or organization.
  • 點選連結 (Clicking a Link): Refers to the action of selecting or activating a hyperlink with the intention of navigating to a specific webpage or resource.
  • 交易 (Transaction): A process where information or value is exchanged between two or more parties, typically involving the transfer of funds or assets.

Note: It is advisable not to click on any suspicious links and refrain from engaging in any transactions related to the mentioned phishing attempt.


根據這篇新聞,駭客在ElseVerse World專案Discord伺服器中釋出了釣魚連結,因此CertiK官方呼籲使用者不要點選連結或進行任何交易。由於這樣的駭客行為可能會導致用戶的私人資料外洩或金融損失,可以推斷出目前區塊鏈市場可能會面臨一些負面的影響。因此,根據此新聞的內容,我們可以說這則新聞對區塊鏈市場是偏空的。



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@user-oh2bg1ei8c: 辛苦了 謝謝女神分享!

@user-zq8mw5ww4l: 謝謝女神的分享

@user-pp8rr5sh7b: 讚讚,感謝abby女神分享

@da-gj5qv: 感謝abby女神分享

@pikachushib9612: 感謝Abby女神分享~

@user-qb9ks4sm4b: 感謝Abby女神分享

@Kuen1501: 辛苦囉,慈善家abby要來造福大家囉

駭客釋放釣魚連結在ElseVerse World專案的Discord伺服器

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