Hop Protocol與Arbitrum Nova整合

跨鏈橋平臺Hop Protocol日前宣佈整合以太坊Layer 2擴充套件解決方案Arbitrum Nova,此舉將使得使用者能夠將ETH和MAGIC等數位資產在不同區塊鏈間進行跨鏈轉移。該整合對於促進跨鏈操作和提供更多且更便宜的交易機會將起到重要作用。Hop Protocol的整合將為使用者提供更多選擇和更高效的跨鏈解決方案。

Arbitrum Nova是以太坊的Layer 2解決方案,它能夠提供快速和廉價的交易,同時保持以太坊的安全性和去中心化性質。與傳統的以太坊相比,Arbitrum Nova能夠提供更快的交易速度和更低的手續費。運用Hop Protocol,使用者可以在以太坊和Arbitrum Nova之間自由地轉移資產,享受更高效的交易體驗。


Cryptocurrency Terms:

  1. Hop Protocol: A decentralized protocol that enables trustless and seamless cross-chain transfers of digital assets.
  2. Arbitrum Nova: A layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that aims to increase its transaction throughput and reduce fees.
  3. ETH: Short for Ethereum, a decentralized blockchain platform that enables developers to build and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).
  4. MAGIC: Refers to the native token of the Hop Protocol.
  5. Cross-chain: The ability to transfer digital assets or data between different blockchain networks.
  6. Cross-chain bridge: A technology or protocol that facilitates the transfer of digital assets between different blockchain networks.
  7. Trustless: Refers to a system or protocol where the participants can interact and transact without the need to trust each other.
  8. Smart contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, which automatically executes actions based on predefined conditions.
  9. Decentralized applications (dApps): Applications that run on a blockchain or decentralized network, enabling direct peer-to-peer interactions without the need for intermediaries.
  10. Layer 2 scaling solution: A technique or protocol that adds an additional layer on top of an existing blockchain to increase its scalability and transaction throughput.
  11. Transaction throughput: Refers to the number of transactions that can be processed per unit of time on a blockchain network.
  12. Fees: The charges or costs associated with executing transactions or interacting with a blockchain network.


根據這篇新聞,跨鏈橋Hop Protocol宣佈整合Arbitrum Nova,支援將ETH和MAGIC跨鏈至Arbitrum Nova。這項整合將使得以太坊和MAGIC在區塊鏈市場之間的互動更加便利和高效。此舉顯示出區塊鏈市場對於跨鏈技術的需求和重視程度,也表明對於區塊鏈市場的前景持樂觀態度。


新鏈 Nova 互動教程|空投擼起來|Arbitrum Nova互動教程


@user-uv4qn4zp4o: 好親切的小姐姐!三連了!!!

@sir8834: 感謝美女主播的分享,希望可以更加詳細一些, 比如NOVA代幣的總量, 給使用者空投數量,空投是否鎖倉

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@apebitcoin2818: 博主這是假髮嗎

@user-gn7rg7ln4i: 寧靜的夏天,天空中繁星點點,心裡頭有些思念,思念著你的臉

@user-tt1zi2uv4q: Funds are ready to claim!

Hop Protocol與Arbitrum Nova整合

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