Reserve計劃投資2000萬美元到Convex、Curve、Stake DAO。

穩定幣協議Reserve計劃向Convex、Curve和Stake DAO投資2,000萬美元,以增加Reserve的穩定幣RTokens的流動性。此外,這些投資將增加Reserve在這些應用程式的治理系統中的投票權。Reserve允許使用者建立自己的穩定幣,這些代幣由任何他們所需的資產支援。
Reserve計劃投資2000萬美元到Convex、Curve、Stake DAO。



  • 穩定幣協議 (Stablecoin protocol):一種基於區塊鏈技術的協議,允許使用者建立穩定貨幣,透過抵押其他加密貨幣或法幣等資產來確保穩定幣價格穩定。
  • RTokens:一種基於Reserve協議的代幣,可以透過抵押其他資產來發行,並且可以在交易所買賣。
  • 流動性 (liquidity):指某些資產的易於轉換為現金或其他資產的能力。
  • 投票權 (voting power):在區塊鏈投票機制中,代表使用者對協議決策的競爭力和影響力。
  • Convex、Curve和Stake DAO:三個區塊鏈協議,用於建立代幣、穩定幣等產品的基礎設施。


穩定幣協議Reserve決定在Convex、Curve和Stake DAO這三個平臺中投資2000萬美元,藉此增加RTokens的流動性和投票權。文章中未提到投資金額對於市場的影響,僅從投資目的來看,Reserve顯然想在區塊鏈市場中增加自身代幣的使用和流通,對市場屬於偏多的訊息。



$Vet $Matic $Rsr Part 2! Let's GOOOOO!!!


@6504382769: Great video. Will start to buy Matic this week. Eth needs a layer 2 solution, India needs a champion and Matic is it. Also, Coinbase buying into Matic helps a lot.

@johnny7840: No question God led me to you in 2017 bro. I got into Vechain in early 2018. Got into matic right before you started talking about it last summer. Now I had no choice but to research rsr & I bought a couple weeks ago. LETS GO! God is good! The spirit is linked.

@christhompson9128: There is excitement in the air! Let’s GO!!!

@llisath123: When the prophet listen. Never apologize for the excitement bro! It just shows your passion and its much appreciated! Thank you again and stay blessed.

@smbergie2006: Blessings Received! Let's Gooooo!

@pacman0888: What a time to be alive. People say crypto will be a multi-trillion dollar industry. It's like getting in during the early days of the internet in the 1990s. Buying the best crypto coins now is like buying Apple stocks in the 1980s. Huge returns on investment

@hunterk7254: Never apologize for your excitement!

Reserve計劃投資2000萬美元到Convex、Curve、Stake DAO。

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