
1. 銀保監會對於集資變種的關注;

2. 香港財政司長將推廣虛擬貨幣的監管;

3. Amber Group計劃出售日本子公司並申請香港數字資產牌照;

4. Skyland Ventures舉行募資,SBI集團參投;

5. 香港Web3Hub生態基金啟動,規模為1000萬美元;

6. 立法會議員期望在2023或2024年落實加密資產和穩定幣監管安排;

7. Hong Kong Web3Hub基金行政總裁準備發起1億美元的Web3生態基金;

8. Terra崩盤前Do Kwon匯款90億韓元;

9. 加密交易平臺Bittrue遭遇攻擊,損失約2440萬美元。


  1. 集資變種: refers to virtual asset fundraising activities that disguise themselves as other forms of funding, such as crowdfunding or private equity investments, in order to evade regulatory scrutiny.
  2. 虛擬貨幣: refers to digital assets that operate as a medium of exchange or store of value, and are often decentralized and based on blockchain technology.
  3. 數字資產牌照: refers to the license issued by regulatory authorities that allows entities to conduct digital asset-related activities, such as trading or custody.
  4. 募資: refers to the process of raising funds for an organization or project through various means, such as private placements or initial public offerings.
  5. Web3生態: refers to the decentralized web infrastructure that enables the creation and exchange of digital assets and applications.
  6. 加密資產和穩定幣監管安排: refers to the regulatory framework for digital assets and stablecoins in Hong Kong, which is currently being developed by lawmakers and regulatory authorities.
  7. Terra: refers to a blockchain platform that aims to provide stablecoins pegged to various fiat currencies.
  8. 攻擊: refers to the malicious activity of attempting to illicitly gain access to and manipulate digital assets or their associated infrastructure.


近日,有多項訊息在區塊鏈市場引起關注。中國銀保監會關注集資變種,香港財政司長也計畫推廣虛擬貨幣的監管。此外,Amber Group計劃出售日本子公司並申請香港數字資產牌照,Skyland Ventures也舉行募資,SBI集團參投。同時,香港Web3Hub生態基金啟動,規模高達1000萬美元,並有立法會議員期望在2023或2024年落實加密資產和穩定幣監管安排。不過,Terra崩盤前Do Kwon匯款90億韓元,加密交易平臺Bittrue也遭遇攻擊,損失約2440萬美元。綜觀以上種種,這份新聞偏空,顯示區塊鏈市場目前存在不少風險與挑戰。




我是柚子先生[遊戲]: 以前手機崛起 :人人都是攝影師

Sam Chien: 這集實在太棒了!Bonnie能掌握如此高科技知識,真是佩服到五體投地。

Lai Lucas: 金融分析師未來要面臨失業風險了嗎

Weilun Hsu: 這集讚!覺得邦妮超會問問題

劉詰言: 超棒的主題 喜歡這樣的科技話題

Leo Ch.: AI 忘了說“以上只是我的預測,並沒有提供任何投資建議”

Del Chi: 我們給了AI繪圖,又給了AI說故事的力量



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