Nifty News: 乐滋滋企鹅与WME签约,Bitblox推出Web3博彩游戏等。
Blue chip非同質化代幣(NFT)項目Pudgy Penguins已與好萊塢重量級的經紀公司William Morris Endeavor(WME)簽訂代表合約。根據5月5日Twitter上的公告,Pudgy Penguins希望將其知識產權擴展到電影、電視和遊戲領域。Pudgy Penguins加入了越來越多的知名NFT項目,尋求好萊塢代表合約,以擴大品牌和受眾。自2021年7月推出以來,Pudgy Penguins已是历史上第21高銷售的NFT項目,根據CryptoSlam的數據,已在二級市場上總共創造了2.502億美元的銷售额。Pudgy Penguins逐步發展了一個圍繞該項目的Web3生態系統和社區,并已採取一些行動,以將知識產權推向主流。去年三月底,該項目軟推出了物理Pudgy Penguin人偶,帶有真實性證明書和以太坊記錄的擁有證明。另外,新的區塊鏈遊戲工作室Bitblox已經推出來開發基于Solana的Hxro Network的Web3賭博遊戲。Bitblox Games表示,將致力于開發基于技巧和速度的玩家間遊戲,玩家彼此下注,而不需要像賭場或投注者那樣需要‘房子’。 NFT基礎設施和生態系統開發人員Palm NFT Studio推出了一種通過Epic Games的Unreal Engine制作生成性“遊戲就緒”3D資產和藝術藏品的新工具。 NFT初創公司Cryptoys展示了即將在Flow區塊鏈上推出的Star Wars數字收藏品的發布。
1. NFT: Non-Fungible Token, a digital asset that represents ownership of a unique item, often used in the art and collectibles space.
2. Blockchain: A decentralized digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and immutable way.
3. Solana: A high-performance blockchain platform known for its fast transaction speeds and low transaction fees.
4. Generative art: Art created using algorithms and code, often producing unique and unpredictable results.
5. Flow blockchain: A blockchain platform designed for high-performance, low-cost NFT transactions.
6. Tax: A mandatory payment to the government on income or transactions, often used to fund public services.
7. Wire fraud: The use of electronic communication to deceive or defraud someone in order to obtain money or property.
8. Money laundering: The process of disguising the proceeds of illegal activity as legitimate funds.
9. Monetized online content: Online content that generates revenue, such as advertising or subscription-based services.
10. IP: Intellectual Property, the legal rights to intangible creations such as artistic works, inventions, and designs.
Pudgy Penguins簽署了與WME的合約,以拓展其IP在電影、電視和遊戲等領域的影響力。Bitblox開發了基於Solana的Hxro Network的點對點博彩遊戲。Palm NFT Studio推出了一個新工具,通過Unreal Engine讓創作者能夠製作生成式“遊戲準備”三維資產和藝術收藏品。Cryptoys將在Flow區塊鏈上推出《星球大戰》數字玩具,以隨機的“盲盒”的形式售賣不同級別和價格的珍稀數位内容。肯尼亞正在考慮對加密貨幣和NFT轉移徵收3%的稅收,對在線內容的獲利則徵收15%的稅收,同時,一位前OpenSea的經理因電信詐騙和洗錢罪名被判有罪,而NFT創作者Josie Bellini則想上傳自己的大腦以實現永生。綜合以上信息,近期區塊鏈市場消息偏多。
足球小将 -RIVALS-:具有 NFT 和收藏角色的区块链游戏体验
New P2E Gem&NFT giveaway of $2400💸
🚀The new P2E game Cosmic FOMO is already here.
Download the App: celebrate the game's launch, @CosmicFomo will be giving away 3 extremely rare #NFTs,each worth $800
Details on Gleam:
— 🥇Shibarium ARⓂ️Y☄️ (@_ShibariumArmy) May 6, 2023
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