「Mechanism Capital 創始人Andrew Kang於GMX持有超826萬美元多頭頭寸,抵押品價值達640萬美元!」

Founder of Mechanism Capital Holds Over $8 Million in Long Positions on GMX Derivative Platform

Andrew Kang, the founder of Mechanism Capital, has disclosed that he currently holds long positions worth over $8.26 million on the GMX derivative platform. To open these positions, Kang had collateralized assets worth around $6.4 million. He used leverage to open the positions as follows:

  • On the Avalanche network, Kang used 13.08x leverage to open a long position of $394,005 on Ethereum at a price of $1,639.87, and 10.96x leverage to open a long position of $721,385 on Bitcoin at a price of $23,360.
  • On Arbitrum, Kang opened a long position of $1,601,011 on Ethereum at a price of $1,717.43 using 9.95x leverage, and used 7.12x leverage to open a long position of $3,690,068 on Bitcoin at a price of $23,608.08.

It is worth noting that GMX is a decentralized trading protocol that provides users with up to 100x leverage on various assets and cryptocurrencies.


這則新聞顯示Andrew Kang在幾個區塊鏈平臺上開了多倉,並借貸了大量的資產來擴大自己的投資。他選擇以比特幣和以太幣為基礎,使用高槓桿來投資,這暗示著他對區塊鏈市場的看好。因此,這則新聞對區塊鏈市場是一個偏多的訊息。


cheeze (feat. Andrew Kang) by Sarah Kang (lyric video)


「Mechanism Capital 創始人Andrew Kang於GMX持有超826萬美元多頭頭寸,抵押品價值達640萬美元!」

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