紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)將進行一次重大改組,將原本的公司分成三家,分別是紅杉中國(Sequoia China)、紅杉印度和東南亞、以及紅杉美國和歐洲企業部門。
其中,紅杉中國更名為HongShan,紅杉印度和東南亞部門則被重塑為Peak XV Partners,而紅杉美國和歐洲企業仍保持原名。
- 紅杉資本 - Redwood Capital, a venture capital firm based in the United States
- 分裂 - Split or divide
- 紅杉中國 - Sequoia China, the China-based arm of Sequoia Capital
- HongShan - The new name of Sequoia China after the split
- 紅杉印度和東南亞 - Sequoia India and Southeast Asia, the India and Southeast Asia-based arm of Sequoia Capital
- Peak XV Partners - The name of Sequoia India and Southeast Asia after the split
- 美國和歐洲企業 - US and European businesses
- 加密貨幣專業術語 - Cryptocurrency jargon
紅杉資本宣佈將分裂成三家公司,這些小型化的公司將會更加專注於特定行業和地區,其中紅杉中國將改名為HongShan,紅杉印度和東南亞部門將成為Peak XV Partners。然而,紅杉美國和歐洲企業仍然與原品牌有關聯性。此訊息意味著紅杉資本將更加專注於區塊鏈、人工智慧等前沿技術的投資,對於區塊鏈市場偏多的投資者們而言,這是一個好訊息。
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Big VC news: Sequoia is splitting into three firms. Sequoia China is now HongShan. Sequoia India is now Peak XV Partners. And Sequoia’s U.S. and Europe business continues as Sequoia Capital.
I spoke to the leaders of all 3 firms exclusively for @Forbes:https://t.co/XO8sM1bOXG
— Alex Konrad (@alexrkonrad) June 6, 2023
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