

7月8日訊息,在2023世界人工智慧大會“元宇宙產業創新論壇”上,重慶市璧山區與阿里元境共同宣佈,正式啟動“元創之境 夢界空間”元宇宙“創想+”數字內容創作大賽,邀請社會各界人士打造元宇宙IP。




  1. 元宇宙:指一個模擬的虛擬世界,能夠透過虛擬現實或增強現實技術,讓使用者在其中進行互動、交流和建立內容。
  2. IP:智慧財產權(Intellectual Property)的簡稱,指在法律上被保護的創作,可以是文學、藝術、音樂、影視、遊戲等各種形式的作品。
  3. 大賽:指一個組織或機構所舉辦的競賽活動,參與者透過提交作品或表演來角逐獎項。
  4. 社會各界人士:指來自不同社會背景、職業和領域的人們。
  5. 創造:指透過創意和創新來產生新的想法、作品和解決方案。
  6. 世界人工智慧大會:指一個全球性的大型會議,旨在討論和推動人工智慧技術和應用的發展。


重慶璧山區與阿里元境宣佈啟動元宇宙內容創作大賽,該大賽名為「元創之境 夢界空間」,旨在邀請社會各界人士參與創造元宇宙IP。這是在2023世界人工智慧大會的「元宇宙產業創新論壇」上宣佈的。由於這項舉措將提升元宇宙的知名度並吸引更多的參與者,表明對區塊鏈市場的樂觀情緒,可以表示為偏多的訊息。


What is NFT? Crypto? Metaverse? 10分鐘瞭解NFT、區塊鏈、加密貨幣、元宇宙 ft. @investmaneth


@EmiWong: we first posted this video a week ago because a lot of you messaged me wanting to know more about NFT and crypto - this is simply a 101 introduction video explaining what they are. however there were quite a few people who got very offended by that i posted this video. "even you talk about NFT? unsubscribe" "NFT is a scam. unfollow". i unlisted the video after a few hours because i did not want it to affect the channel that i put in a lot of hard work to build for years. however, due to popular demand on instagram asking for the video to be posted again, i am making this video public again and it's here to stay

@investmaneth: Thanks for the interview. My honour to share the latest NFT trend and Knowledge with all of you 🙂

@FrancescaDePaolis: Truly helpful Emi!! I was looking for a video that would explain it so clearly and I really appreciate you for posting this, regardless of some people’s hateful comments that you mentioned in your comment above.

@karencow8188: I did not expect this video from emi but I really liked it, super knowledgeable!

@PagedMetalX: please keep making videos and vlogs like this with subtitles, they are helpful in helping me learn cantonese!

@crazybotches236: Chad being serious was funny to watch haha but I can tell underneath all the silly front he is a very smart guy :p

@chloe_0622_: Learn a lot!!!多謝分享


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