


  1. 加密貨幣: 一種使用加密技術保護交易安全性的數字貨幣
  2. 區塊鏈技術: 以區塊形式連結的分散式資料庫技術,用於記錄交易紀錄、控制數位貨幣和驗證資料完整性





What is NFT? Crypto? Metaverse? 10分鐘瞭解NFT、區塊鏈、加密貨幣、元宇宙 ft. @investmaneth


emi wong: we first posted this video a week ago because a lot of you messaged me wanting to know more about NFT and crypto - this is simply a 101 introduction video explaining what they are. however there were quite a few people who got very offended by that i posted this video. "even you talk about NFT? unsubscribe" "NFT is a scam. unfollow". i unlisted the video after a few hours because i did not want it to affect the channel that i put in a lot of hard work to build for years. however, due to popular demand on instagram asking for the video to be posted again, i am making this video public again and it's here to stay

karen cow: I did not expect this video from emi but I really liked it, super knowledgeable!

Curtis Chou: please keep making videos and vlogs like this with subtitles, they are helpful in helping me learn cantonese!

Learn Italian with Francesca: Truly helpful Emi!! I was looking for a video that would explain it so clearly and I really appreciate you for posting this, regardless of some people’s hateful comments that you mentioned in your comment above.

Nidhi Umesh: This is awesome thank you

InvestMan: Thanks for the interview. My honour to share the latest NFT trend and Knowledge with all of you 🙂

Urmi Kariya: Love the video



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