ETF Store總裁:灰度勝訴是現貨以太坊ETF申請的主要催化劑

ETF Store總裁表示,灰度在華盛頓特區巡迴上訴法院獲勝,推動了現貨以太坊ETF的最新申請。他認為此次勝訴是現貨以太坊ETF申請的主要推動力。他還表示,ARK和VanEck已經準備就緒,並迅速抓住申請現貨以太坊ETF的機會。

灰度投資在8月份在華盛頓特區巡迴上訴法院贏得SEC之後,引領了現貨以太坊ETF的申請。此次勝訴成為現貨以太坊ETF申請的主要催化劑。ARK和VanEck也迅速抓住了申請現貨以太坊ETF的機會。ETF Store總裁表示,灰度為現貨加密ETF開創了一條監管道路,其他基金公司也將緊隨其後。
ETF Store總裁:灰度勝訴是現貨以太坊ETF申請的主要催化劑


Grayscale Investments: Grayscale Investments is a digital currency asset manager that offers investment products for cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.

SEC: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a regulatory agency in the United States that is responsible for protecting investors, ensuring fair markets, and facilitating capital formation.

ETF: ETF stands for Exchange-Traded Fund. It is a type of investment fund and exchange-traded product, with shares that are traded on a stock exchange. It aims to track the performance of a specific index or a basket of assets.

ETF Store: ETF Store is a company that provides expertise and services related to Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and investment strategies.

Nate Geraci: Nate Geraci is the President of ETF Store, responsible for overseeing the company's operations and providing guidance on ETF investments.

Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency refers to digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security. They are decentralized and typically based on blockchain technology, which ensures transparency, security, and immutability.

Spot Ethereum ETF: A Spot Ethereum ETF is an exchange-traded fund that provides exposure to the price movements and performance of Ethereum (ETH) in the spot market. It allows investors to gain exposure to ETH without owning the underlying asset directly.


根據這篇新聞,Grayscale Investments在華盛頓特區的法庭勝訴為現貨以太坊ETF的申請開啟了監管道路,這對於區塊鏈市場來說是一個正面的訊息。灰度的成功也激勵了其他基金公司跟進,例如ARK和VanEck已經準備好並迅速抓住了申請現貨以太ETF的機會。這顯示出市場對於現貨以太坊ETF的需求正在增加,因此可以說這個訊息對於區塊鏈市場是偏多的。





@VCJL: 2023年9月1日,才經歷兩天,比特幣就下到25981$,真像雲霄飛車耶~無論如何,感謝美女 Bonnie 深入淺出的講解。辛苦了。

@chiyeh67: 說的真清楚 感謝Bonnie辛苦的整理

@isthiswhat3961: 老實說現在的情況還蠻諷刺的

@SokaKing: 說明很清楚。但有點認同SEC的擔心。 如果同時有期貨又有現貨,在傳統制度相對完善的市場,都有可能操控,何況是持有份額過度集中的比特幣,現貨、期貨就根本莊家在操盤了。 一點邪念恐怕就是腥風血雨。 還是拖著好了。

@user-sx3dl8vf4r: 簡單一句:逢低做多,長遠投資! 不用理會短期走勢

@user-ec4gx9th4j: 兩者都希望有,一方面可以有避險作用,另一方面多一個指標性

@okx3996: 邦尼每期節目總是那麼充滿激情

ETF Store總裁:灰度勝訴是現貨以太坊ETF申請的主要催化劑

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