以太坊認證服務推動使用者信任,Optimism Layer 2網路最佳化。

Ethereum Ecosystem Optimism to Use Ethereum Attestation Service for Trustworthiness Assessment

Optimism, a layer-2 blockchain built on the Ethereum network, is set to adopt Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS), an on-chain attestation protocol. This service will allow users to evaluate the credibility of other platform users and vouch for transactions that took place on the blockchain. This will promote fairer distribution and community voting systems associated with Optimism's native OP token. In fact, any Optimism user can use EAS to attest to the information they consider accurate. For example, whether someone built a project or made profitable trades and more. The goal of EAS is to permit Optimism's users to attest to content that could impact the native token's distribution and user interactions on the network.

EAS Co-founder and CTO, Steve Dakh, stated that "We're trying to be a base layer where identity platforms can exist, where supply chain companies can attest to supply movements, and provenance, where governments can attest to land registries and entities can vote." The service will enable developers to create innovative identity products across networks such as Optimism, Base, Polygon, and Ethereum. Moreover, it can support the work of the Optimism Collective. This entity rewards the ecosystem's contributors with crypto. EAS can provide the group with reliable information for the distribution of OP tokens to community members who positively contribute to the network.

The usage of attestations will incentivize developers to build critical infrastructure on Optimism and enhance users' experience within the network. Furthermore, users can post a publicly accessible, on-chain recording of how the collective distributes tokens. This will enhance the transparency of the entire ecosystem.

以太坊生態系Optimism即將採用以太坊官方的Ethereum Attestation Service(EAS)進行鏈上擔保協定。該服務將允許使用者評估其他使用者的可信度,並為發生在區塊鏈上的交易提供背書。這將有助於促進Optimism原生OP代幣更公平的分發和社群投票系統。事實上,任何Optimism使用者都可以使用EAS為他們認為準確的資訊提供背書,例如某人是否建立了專案或獲得了盈利交易等。
EAS的目標是允許Optimism的使用者為可能影響原生代幣分發和使用者在網路上的互動的內容進行背書。其聯合創始人兼技術長Steve Dakh表示:“我們正在嘗試成為一個身份平臺可以存在的基礎層,在這裡供應鏈公司可以對供應進行擔保,並考慮地名,可以讓政府對土地登記進行擔保,讓實體可以投票。”
該服務將使開發人員在Optimism,Base,Polygon和以太坊等網路上建立創新的身份產品。此外,它還可以支援Optimism Collective的工作,該實體透過加密貨幣獎勵生態系統的貢獻者。 EAS可以為群體提供可靠的資訊,以便將OP代幣分發給積極為網路作出貢獻的社群成員。


  • Optimism: a layer-2 blockchain based on Ethereum, which improves scalability and reduces transaction costs on the Ethereum network.
  • Layer-2: a scaling solution built on top of an existing blockchain to improve performance and reduce congestion.
  • Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS): a service that allows any Optimism user to attest to information they believe is accurate, such as individual contributions to a project or profitable trades.
  • OP token: the native token of the Optimism network.
  • DeFi: short for decentralized finance, refers to financial applications and services built on blockchain technology that aim to provide alternative solutions to traditional finance.
  • Crypto: short for cryptocurrency, refers to digital or virtual assets that use cryptography to secure and verify transactions on a blockchain or a distributed ledger.
  • Optimism Collective: a group of developers and community members who work to improve the Optimism ecosystem and promote its adoption.

Optimism是基於以太坊的二層區塊鏈,旨在提高可擴充套件性並減少以太坊網路上的交易成本。Ethereum Attestation Service(EAS)允許任何Optimism使用者證明他們認為準確的資訊,例如個人對專案的貢獻或有利可圖的交易。OP令牌是Optimism網路的原生代幣。DeFi是分散式金融的簡稱,指基於區塊鏈技術構建的金融應用和服務,旨在為傳統金融提供替代方案。加密貨幣是指使用加密學在區塊鏈或分散式帳本上安全驗證交易的數字或虛擬資產。Optimism Collective是一群開發人員和社群成員,致力於改善Optimism生態系統並促進其被採用。


Optimism計劃使用以太坊作為基礎的第二層區塊鏈,透過Ethereum Attestation Service(EAS)使得使用者可以驗證資訊並促進公平的OP代幣分發。 EAS允許任何Optimism使用者證明他們認為是準確的資訊,例如個人對專案的貢獻或交易的賺錢。 EAS的推出將允許開發人員在Optimism和其他網路上建立創新的身份產品,其服務可以包括DeFi使用者聲譽的匯總評分系統。 該技術還將支援Optimism Collective的工作,該工作將用加密貨幣獎勵生態系統貢獻者。 綜合來看,我們認為這是對區塊鏈市場偏多的訊息。



Optimism生態該買啥?看完這條影片妳就悟了,全網最完整OP生態梳理#Optimism #eth


大毛: 等待這輪小牛結束後,二次探底的時候半倉進OP

Zeng James: 希望大漂亮持續更新!

chen guan: 這期不錯,繼續努力

大法師: Arbitrum 和Optimism ,個人私心Arbitrum。

小王子: 感謝分享

琳淳黃: 感謝分享

小胡歐巴: 有沒有可能只買op


以太坊認證服務推動使用者信任,Optimism Layer 2網路最佳化。

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