「無聊猿遊艇俱樂部NFT售出56 ETH」

10,000 Bored Ape NFTs are the ultimate store of culture for NFT collectors

The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is an exclusive community for holders of the ape and mutant themed NFT collections on Ethereum's blockchain. Commonly referred to as the Bored Apes, only 10,000 generative art pieces will ever be in existence.

Bored Ape #7075 just sold for 55.55 ETH ($107,344 USD). The value of Bored Apes is typically determined by the Ape's attributes, with the laser eyes, crown, and golden fur traits being the most coveted. Here are a list of its attributes and how many others have the same trait:

  • Eyes: Scumbag (233)
  • Hat: Seaman'S Hat (420)
  • Earring: Silver Hoop (882)
  • Background: Yellow (1,283)
  • Mouth: Bored (2,272)
  • Fur: Robot (265)

Bored Apes are the ultimate store of culture for NFT collectors. The NFT collection has gained huge influence in 2021, with an ever growing list of top tier celebrities making apes their profile pictures on Twitter. With the recent explosion in popularity surrounding the Metaverse, rare blockchain-based avatars are all the rage for those looking to flex online.

Being a member of the Bored Ape Yacht Club is not just about flexing online. Yuga Labs, the creators of the Bored Apes throw exclusive parties often with free private performances from members of the club such as Lil Baby. Other notable celebrities in the club include Post Malone, Stephen Curry, Dez Bryant, and Jimmy Kimmel.

Yuga Labs also created another NFT collection known as the Mutant Apes, which also provides membership to the elusive club. There are a total of 20,000 Mutant Apes, and the price floor is historically lower than the Bored Apes.

Data provided by OpenSea. Checkout the full Bored Ape Yacht Club collection here.

This article was generated by Benzinga's automated content engine and reviewed by an editor. © 2023 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.


  • NFT:非同質化代幣,是基於區塊鏈的一種數字資產,具有唯一性和不可替代性。
  • 以太坊(Ethereum):一種去中心化的區塊鏈平臺,支援智慧合約和代幣發行。
  • ETH:以太坊的本地加密貨幣。
  • Metaverse:一個虛擬現實的世界,基於區塊鏈和其他技術構建。


Bored Ape Yacht Club是一個以猿類和變異主題為基礎的NFT集合,這些NFT集合在以太坊的區塊鏈上。每個Bored Apes都有獨特的屬性,例如雷射眼睛、王冠和金色毛皮,並且只有10,000件存在。最近售出的第7075件“Bored Ape”售價為55.55 ETH(CRYPTO:ETH)(107,344美元)。此外,成為Bored Ape Yacht Club的成員也是很值得的,因為俱樂部建立者經常舉行獨家派對,例如該俱樂部的成員Lil Baby的免費私人演出。其他知名名人也包括Post Malone、Stephen Curry、Dez Bryant和Jimmy Kimmel。在Metaverse受到爆炸性的流行之後,這些基於區塊鏈的人物形象成為了那些想要線上炫耀的人們的寵兒。Bored Apes的價值和追捧也越來越高,顯示出區塊鏈市場對此訊息是偏多的。





「無聊猿遊艇俱樂部NFT售出56 ETH」

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